You can utilize the AYCD ChatGPT AI to create jigs for your address.
Setup & Recommendations
- You can use ChatGPT directly within Profile Builder to generate address jigs. AYCD includes 100,000 tokens per month for free for AI usage.
- You can create your own Jig Rules Configuration if you want to use specific jigging techniques. You can also create different Jig Rules Configurations for each of your addresses.
- To improve accuracy, you can provide an example of your desired address jig output in the Jig Rules Configuration dialog.
AI Address Jig
1. Navigate to the Profiles section in Profile Builder under Profiles. This section has an icon that looks like a book with a person on it titled Profiles when you hover over it.
2. Select the Profiles you want to jig your address for in the table.
3. Click on the Tools button at the top right of the view or right-click on the table and click on Tools. This will bring up the Tools dialog for Profiles.
4. Click the dropdown and choose AI Address Jig.
5. Click Start. The AI Address Jig dialog will open.
6. By default, Profiles are created in the All Category. You can override this and specify a category name to have your Profiles created into a unique category.
7. Input the actual address you want to create jigs for into the Original Address field. This field supports Address Lines 1, 2, and 3.
8. Click the Jig Billing Address checkbox to replace your billing address with the jigged address.
9. Click the Jig Shipping Address checkbox to replace your shipping address with the jigged address.
10. Select which Jig Rules Configuration you want to use in the Jig Rules Configuration section. You can use our default configuration or create your own.
11. Create your own Jig Rules Configurations with the Add button. To improve accuracy, you can provide an example of your desired address jig output in the Jig Rules Configuration dialog.
12. You can edit your Jig Rules Configurations with the Edit button.
13. You can remove your Jig Rules Configurations with the Remove button. You can save multiple configurations for each of your addresses.
14. After configuring the dialog, click the Jig button.
15. The Jig Address Confirmation dialog will show you the estimated cost of the operation. AYCD includes 100,000 tokens per month for free for AI usage. If you use all of your balance, you can add your own OpenAI API key in Settings | ChatGPT Service.
16. Once you have confirmed the dialog is correct, click the Proceed button.
17. The completed dialog confirms your jigs were successfully generated, as well as the total cost of the operation.
18. Your new jigged Profiles can be found in the All category or the category specified in the previous dialog.