Profile Builder - Profiles - Edit, Basic Jig, & Mass Edit


Jigging allows you to create multiple unique profiles from one by slightly altering the original profile. Jigging your profiles can help you bypass websites with one order per customer detection. There are multiple different ways to jig your profiles; you can use our Jig or Mass Edit dialogs to customise the alterations.

Setup & Recommendations

  • One of the ways to jig a profile is by editing an individual profile. You can edit a profile's Name, Email, Phone Number, and Address; this is the least efficient way to jig a profile.
  • Rather than using the jig options under Edit Profile, it is more efficient to use the Edit > Jig option to have more control over what jig options are used.

  • Mass Edit allows you to edit specific fields of a profile across an unlimited amount of selected profiles. Mass Edit can be especially useful if you are looking to adjust a field with a common value across many profiles or even more so when you are taking advantage of expressions.
  • If you need advice on what jigs to use, we recommend checking out AYCD Pro, a cookgroup where we can advise you on what works for every site. 

Edit Profile


1. Navigate over to the Profiles section of Profile Builder.

2. In the table, select the profile you wish to jig.

3. Click the Edit button, then click Edit again. 

4. In the Edit dialog you can make changes and jig specific profile parts.

Basic Jig

1. Navigate over to the Profiles section of Profile Builder.

2. In the table, select the profiles you wish to jig.

3. Click the Tools button, then select Basic Jig in the dropdown dialog.

4. In the Jig dialog you can make changes and jig-specific profile parts. Below are the explanations for each section of the dialog. 

Create in Category: This allows you to specify a new or existing category for the jigged profiles to be created in.

Number of Jigs for each Profile: This allows you to specify the number of individual jigs of each selected profile. If you have five profiles selected to jig and you put down two, it will create ten jigged profiles.

The Checkboxes: The checkboxes for Name, Email, Phone Address, Billing Address, and Shipping Address allow you to specify which profile fields you want to be jigged. If you unselect one, Profile Builder will not change that field.

Only Checkout Once: This will allow you to change the "Only Checkout Once" option in your profile. If this setting is turned on, it means if you are running the same profile on multiple tasks in your bot, and 1 of those tasks checks out, it will stop the other task.  

CatchAll Email Domain: If you would like to quickly assign a random catch-all email to all of your profiles, type in your catch-all in this format: "@yourcatchallhere" another example: ""

Mass Edit

1. Navigate over to the Profiles section of Profile Builder.

2. In the table, select the profiles you wish to jig.

3. Click the Tools button, then select Mass Edit/Jig in the dropdown dialog.

4. To make changes to the profiles, you need to click the checkbox beside the field you want to alter, then type in the change you want to make. The Mass Edit dialog is where you use Expressions; more information can be found on them here

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