What are AutoSolve Routes?
AutoSolve Routes introduces a way to route AutoSolve requests based on different values. This feature replaces API Key category bindings and offers new and improved functionality. Before we go over creating a new AutoSolve Route and exploring all the different options that are available, we will first review how OneClick receives requests and at what point routes affect the solver requests.
How Requests are Directed | Creating an AutoSolve Route | Route Configurations | Managing Routes | Testing AutoSolve Routes
How Requests are Directed
AutoSolve will direct the requests it receives differently depending on how many instances of OneClick you have running at a given time.
Single Instance | Multiple Instances
Single Instance
If you do not have an addon session or only plan to have one instance of OneClick open using AutoSolve, then all the requests sent from your AutoSolve Bot API Keys will be received by this instance. After the request reaches OneClick, if you have any enabled routes, the request will be assigned to a solver that matches the route criteria you have created.
Multiple Instances
If you have an addon session and plan on using AutoSolve with more than 1 instance of OneClick, requests sent from your bots to AutoSolve first reach a queue that directs them to OneClick using a round-robin technique. This technique evenly splits the requests in order amongst all your open copies of OneClick. What this means is that you get 5 solve requests from a bot and have 2 copies of OneClick running that OneClick A will get request 1, OneClick B will get request 2, OneClick A will get request 3, OneClick B will get request 4, and OneClick A will get request 5. That means that even if you have a route set on OneClick A, that requests from an API Key you have created a route for will still be sent to OneClick B since it is only after the request reaches OneClick that the enabled routes will decide which solver to assign the request to.
Creating an AutoSolve Route
When creating an AutoSolve Route you have the option to direct the requests either to a category of accounts in OneClick or to a supported Third Party Provider.
Routes to Account Categories | Routes to Third Party Services
Routes to Account Categories
Routes created for Account Categories will allow you to send requests that meet your route criteria to the category of accounts you specify.
- To create a Route for an Account Category, go to the Routes tab in the AutoSolve View.
- Click the create button and select Account Category as the Target Type before clicking Next.
- This will open a dialog that you can use to configure your route. You can read about the available configurations and how they work below.
Routes to Third Party Services
Routes created for a Third Party Service will allow you to send requests that meet your route criteria to a Third Party Provider you choose.
- To create a Route for a Third Party Service, go to the Routes tab in the AutoSolve View.
- Click the create button and select Third Party Service as the Target Type before clicking Next.
- This will open a dialog that you can use to configure your route. You can read about the available configurations and how they work below.
Route Configurations
The main purpose of Routes is to allow further customization to the AutoSolve service. You can now separate requests coming from the same API Key by using Routes which would be ideal if you were running different sites at the same time. Below you can find an explanation for each of the options offered in the dialog.
Target Category | Nickname | Priority | Route Type
Target Category
The target category to route matching requests to. Once a category is bound to an enabled route, the solvers in that category will only receive requests that match the highest priority enabled route. This means that requests that match this route will only go to this category. When requests don't match any of the routes you have, they will go to any category that does not have a route. If there are no active accounts/solvers in the category, the request will be stuck waiting to solve.
A nickname for this route to help identify it easier. This is not required. Utilizing nicknames can make it easier to organize your routes and manage them. As mentioned, you do not need to provide a nickname and can leave this field blank.
The priority for this route, where the lower the number, the higher the priority. A priority of 0 is the highest. The lower numbered route will always be used before a higher numbered route. Routes with the same priority will be used in the order they were added. Changing the priority can be useful when you have some routes that you would prefer to be used before others. It is recommended to leave this field at the default value unless you have a specific use case.
Route Type
The type of routing to filter incoming requests by. The route type will determine what field is used to route your AutoSolve requests to the target category you have selected.
When setting up AutoSolve, each program requires a unique API Key. You can route the requests from that unique API Key to the selected target category using this route type. For example, if you want to use different accounts/solvers for different programs, you can route each individual API Key to different target categories. When multiple API Keys are selected, as seen below, multiple routes will be created. |
Task ID
Each request is received with a Task ID provided by the program sending the request as a way to identify it. This route type should only be used when the developers of the program you are using instruct you to. This is an example of how you would configure a TaskID route if your bot included the term "AddToCart" as a part of the task ID. |
Site URL
Each request is received with a Site URL provided by the program sending the request in order to load the captcha challenge. For example, a Site URL may look like this: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php In the case you are receiving requests from the same program with a different Site URL, you can route the different requests based on the Site URL to different target categories. This is useful when the captcha type is different between Site URLs or the Site URLs require different setups. For example, if one site requires a faster solve time, you can use the target category of accounts/solvers that you know will solve faster. If another site does not require a fast solve time, you can use the target category of accounts/solvers that may solve slower. When you are receiving requests with different Site URLs from different programs, it is preferable to use the API Key route type instead.
In this image, you can see an example of what a route would look like if you are designating a specific category for a YeezySupply drop. |
Captcha Version
Each request is received with a Captcha Version provided by the program sending the request in order to load the captcha challenge. For example, if you are receiving some requests that are reCaptcha2 Checkbox and some requests that are hCaptcha Checkbox. Using the Captcha Version route type, you can route the reCaptcha2 Checkbox requests to a target category with one-click accounts and route the hCaptcha Checkbox requests to a target category with empty solvers using AutoSolve AI. When you are receiving requests with different Captcha Versions from different programs, it is preferable to use the API Key route type instead. Above you can see a route set up for all v3 requests to be assigned to a particular category of solvers named OneClicks. |
Filter Type
The type of filtering to use when comparing the value to the incoming request's value. Some route types only support certain filter types. For example, the API Key route type only supports the Equals filter type.
The Equals filter type compares the value from the request exactly to the value of the route. For example, the API Key route type only supports Equals since the API Key is a constant value. However, the Site URL route type supports all the filter types since the Site URL can vary. It is not recommended to use the Equals filter type for the Site URL route type. |
The Includes filter type compares the value from the request to include/contain the value of the route. For example, an AutoSolve request may have a Site URL as follows: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php In the case where you don't know exactly what the Site URL will be, but you know a part of it such as the domain you can use the Includes filter type to find a partial match. You can set the value as follows: recaptcha-demo.appspot.com Using the above value and the Includes filter type will match the entire Site URL: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php |
The Excludes filter type compares the value from the request to exclude/ignore the value of the route. For example, an AutoSolve request may have a Site URL as follows: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php In the case where you don't know exactly what the Site URL will be, but you know a part of it such as the domain you can use the Excludes filter type to ignore a partial match. You can set the value as follows: recaptcha-demo.appspot.com Using the above value and the Excludes filter type will match the entire Site URL: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php It is not recommended to use this filter type and to use the Includes filter type instead. |
Starts With
The Starts With filter type compares the value from the request to determine if it starts with the value of the route. For example, an AutoSolve request may have a Site URL as follows: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php In the case where you don't know exactly what the Site URL will be, but you know what it starts with you can use the Starts With filter type to find a partial match at the beginning of the Site URL. You can set the value as follows: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com Using the above value and the Starts With filter type will match the entire Site URL: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php |
Ends With
The Ends With filter type compares the value from the request to determine if it ends with the value of the route. For example, an AutoSolve request may have a Site URL as follows: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php In the case where you don't know exactly what the Site URL will be, but you know what it ends with you can use the Ends With filter type to find a partial match at the ending of the Site URL. You can set the value as follows: recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php Using the above value and the Ends With filter type will match the entire Site URL: https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php |
The value to filter incoming requests by. The value will depend on the route type and the filter type.
Route Type | Value Description |
API Key | The value is a drop-down of all the API Keys you have. If you do not see some of your API Keys, you can click Sync Dashboard in the AutoSolve tab. |
Task ID | The value is a text field for you to provide a partial Task ID depending on the selected filter type. |
Site URL | The value is a text field for you to provide a partial or complete Site URL depending on the selected filter type. |
Captcha Version | The value is a drop-down of the different captcha types available. |
Managing Routes
You can manage the routes you have already created from the same section. You have the ability to Edit or Delete an existing Route or to Enable and Disable them.
Deleting Routes | Enabling and Disabling Routes | Editing Routes
Deleting Routes
The delete option is the same as in all other applications. Select the routes you wish to delete and then click Edit > Delete > Select to delete the routes.
Enabling and Disabling Routes
Rather than continuously creating and deleting routes you are able to enable and disable routes from the Options > Enable/Disable route option. When a route is disabled it will not have any effect on any incoming requests.
Editing Routes
After a route has been created you are able to make some modifications by editing it. To edit a route you can either right-click on it and click Edit or select the route and click the Edit button on the top left.
The modifications you can make from the editing menu are limited to the Target Category, Nickname, and Priority. Any edits made to routes will not affect requests that have already been received by OneClick it will only affect new requests.
Testing AutoSolve Routes
Once you have created an AutoSolve Route, you can create Test Requests which will mimic OneClick receiving requests and assigning them to solvers. When creating requests, you can have them automatically cancel or for them to be solved by your solvers. I would not recommend sending requests to be solved as this will burn your one-clicks. Additionally, this will not test your connection to any bot. These requests originate from inside OneClick.
Creating Test Tasks | Canceling Requests
Creating Test Tasks
- Test Requests are created from the Tasks tab in the AutoSolve view in OneClick.
- Click on File > Create Test Tasks and configure them using the Dialog.
Captcha Version: This is a dropdown containing request types you can select.
API Key: The AutoSolve Bot API Key that will be used as the origin of the requests. Again, this will not send requests from the Bot attached to the API Key but is used as the originating API Key in order to test your routes.
Quantity: The number of tasks to be created.
Do not solve: Unchecking this box will send the requests to be solved by your accounts and will use up one-clicks for reCaptcha requests. - The information on the right side is filled automatically depending on the request type you select. Once you are satisfied with your selections, hit Create.
Canceling Requests
If you create live requests that you want to cancel you can do so easily by following the steps below.
- From the Tasks tab in the AutoSolve view in OneClick, click Options > Cancel Pending Requests > All. If you only want to cancel specific ones, you can select them and use Options > Cancel Pending Requests > Selected.