Supported Bots - EveAIOX

AutoSolve is the latest tool by AYCD, allowing you to connect OneClick with supported bots to make OneClick a default Captcha Solver. By connecting bots to OneClick, it becomes your Captcha solving hub - allowing for captcha challenges to be sent to OneClick and optionally to supported 3rd party solvers like 2Captcha, AntiCaptcha and CapMonster.

EveAIOX AutoSolve Setup:

Before proceeding with the setup for EveAIOX and AutoSolve it is required that you have read the AutoSolve - Getting Started Guide. Once you have read through the Getting Started Guide and you have AutoSolve is enabled you can proceed with the setup using the steps below.

  1. Launch OneClick and go to the AutoSolve menu option. From here you can use the Go To Dashboard button, or you can go to the website dashboard and access your AutoSolve Dashboard.
  2. Next from the dashboard, you will need to create an AutoSolve Bot API Key for EveAIOX, remember that you will need a different one for each bot. When selecting a name it is best to use the name of the bot so that you can easily identify it.
  3. Once you have created your API Key for EveAIOX, use the copy button and it will copy your Bot API Key to your clipboard.
  4. If you don't already have EveAIOX open, open it and go to Captcha.
  5. In Captcha, there is an AutoSolve section. Here is where you will be able to add the API key you just created for EveAIOX, all you need to do is paste the code you copied previously.
  6. To get your AYCD Access Token, go back to the dashboard, and press copy under the AutoSolve Access Token, then you can paste that token into EveAIOX under the AYCD Access Token field.

After you have added both your Access token and Bot API Key EveAIOX will autosave the values and at this point, the setup portion for EveAIOX and AutoSolve has been completed.

Running EveAIOX with AutoSolve:

In order to use AutoSolve, you will need to ensure that when creating your tasks you configure the Advanced Setting for the task. 

TASK Specific Configuration:

  1. Configure your task as you normally would for EveAIOX but before creating or saving the tasks ensure you go over to the  Advanced option. 
  2. Under the Advanced Captcha Settings, there are some things you will need to configure. You will first need to click on the Advanced Captcha Settings, then put a inside the AutoSolve Box.
  3. After you have configured the Advanced Captcha Settings and the rest of your task you can save and create them.

Before starting your tasks you will want to Configure OneClick and AutoSolve. In OneClick there is some setup required dependent on if you wish to use your OneClick Accounts:

  1. Launch OneClick and go to the Accounts menu option. Right-click an account and Start AutoSolve, or click on Options > Start AutoSolve > All, to start up all your accounts as Solvers within the category.
  2. Upon trying to start an account, you will be asked whether to skip Login Verification and if you wish to warm up the browser before becoming a Solver. The Automatic Google Account Login Verification verifies whether the account is logged into the browser. The Warm Up Browser With Some Activity warms up the browser by performing some activities in the browser before becoming the Solver, which includes watching YouTube and Google Searches. Click the Start button when you are ready to start your Solvers!2021-06-08_23_47_09-Window.png
  3. Then when you run your Eve tasks when there is a task that requires a captcha it will request it from your accounts in OneClick.

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