OneClick - Proxies - Adding & Assigning


Having proxies assigned is essential for running OneClick and generating trusted Google accounts. 

Adding Proxies | Assigning Proxies | Updating Proxy Password

Setup & Recommendations

Proxies are highly recommended for OneClick, and while they are not necessary to run OneClick and gain trusted accounts, there are significant drawbacks to running OneClick without proxies. Some of those drawbacks include: 

  • Not being able to have more than 2 Google Accounts farming at the same time. 
  • You are not able to maintain the same IP address when moving your Google Accounts to a server to run your bots. 
  • Running too many accounts on the same IP can cause that IP to become flagged by Google. 

While it can be okay to run 2-3 accounts locally without proxies, we don’t suggest pushing past that. 
Along with ensuring you have proxies on your accounts, we recommend running a 1:1 ratio of proxy to accounts. And suggest assigning either captcha farming proxies or DC/ISPs and not residential proxies as farming or DC/ISP proxies tend to have no data limits, whereas residential proxies often have data limits. 

Adding Proxies 

Adding proxies to OneClick can be done by clicking the proxies tab, clicking create, and pasting in IPs. Designating a category can be done by clicking into the field that says “All” and re-entering a custom name. After the category has been entered, proxies can be pasted in. The format for proxies must conform to either of the formats specified below: 

  • User/Pass Authenticated Proxies 
  • IP:Port:Username:Password 
  • IP Authenticated Proxies  
  • IP:Port 


After proxies have been added to OneClick, they can be tested by clicking the Options button and clicking Test Proxies. From there, two types of tests can be done, a ping which will determine the latency of the proxy to a specified site, or a ReCaptcha v3 Score test which will determine the v3 score of the proxy. 


Assigning Proxies 

  1. On the Accounts tab on the right-hand side, an Assign Proxies button can be accessed by clicking Options. The assign proxies function gives the ability to assign a proxy category to selected tasks or all tasks. This will allow OneClick to assign each task a different proxy until there aren't any more unique proxies or allow you to assign unused proxies to tasks. 
  2. Proxies can also be assigned by using the Set Proxy feature can be accessed by right-clicking on a task, then clicking Proxy, Set Proxy, and enabling the Hide proxies currently assigned to an account function hides proxies that are currently assigned to another account.  RightClickSetProxy.gif

Updating Proxy Password

After you add a proxy to the Proxy view, if the username or password gets changed, you can update that from within OneClick rather than having to delete and reimport your list of proxies.

  1. Click on Options > Change Proxy Password > All/Selected.
  2. Set a new username or password for your proxies and click Save.


After assigning a proxy to an account, there are essentially two copies of it—the one attached to the account and the one you see in the Proxy view. Any actions you take to the proxy under the Proxy view does not affect the proxy assigned to the account. To update the username and password of a proxy assigned to an account:

  1. Select the accounts you want to update.
  2. Right-click on any of the selected accounts and go to Proxy > Change Credentials
  3. Set a new username or password for your proxies and click Save.


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  • how to im[port proxies?


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