Inbox - Mail - Filters - Create/Import/Export Filters


You can use Filters to effortlessly navigate through your emails and quickly find what you're looking for, eliminating the need to constantly rely on the search bar on the email view page. Filters will allow you to easily narrow down emails containing order confirmations, shipping details, delivery information, 2fa codes, and promotional offers.

Setup & Recommendations

Creating Filters

1. Navigate over to the Filters section of Inbox in Mail. This section has a funnel icon titled Filters when you hover over it. 

2. To create a filter, click File on the Filters page and then Create. The Create Mail Filter dialog will appear.

3. By default, Filters are saved to the All category. You can override this and specify a category to create your Filter into a unique category.

4. Click File and then click either Create One or Create Many.

  • If you select Create One, the Create Filter Criteria dialog will appear. Specify the type of Filter to create. For example, you can choose the Subject Contains Type if you want a filter to display only emails that contain that specific text within the Subject. 
  • You can select Mail Account Category Starts to create a filter based on your categories in the Accounts section of Mail. I use this feature to separate my personal emails from my work emails. I moved all of my personal account credentials to a category named Personal and typed personal into the Text section of the dialog.

  • If you selected Create Many, the Create Many Filter Criteria dialog will appear. This dialog functions similarly to the Create One dialog but allows you to specify multiple criteria in a new line in one go.

5. Click the Save button on the criteria dialog.

6. The Test Method dropdown lets you specify a test method to use when testing your Filter for matches within your emails.

7. You can test your Filter to see if it matches any emails in your Inbox. If it matches, the number of emails filtered will be displayed in green text.

8. After configuring the dialog, your Filter will be saved and will appear in the table view.

9. To activate the Filter, go to the Emails section.


10. Once in the email section, click the Custom Filters dropdown on the top above the tableview, which will show which filters you can enable. 06.png

11. After selecting which filters you want enabled, click Save.

12. After clicking Save, the emails page will display only the emails that match your Filter.


Exporting and Importing Filters

1. Navigate to the Filters section of Inbox in Mail. When you hover over this section, a funnel icon titled Filters appears. 

2. Select the filters you are trying to Export 08.png

3. Click File > Export

4. To import Filters, click File > Import and select the JSON file of the Filter.

5. After selecting the file, click the Import button. Your filters will now appear in the tableview.

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