Profile Builder - Accounts - Account Builder - Microsoft (Hotmail/Outlook) Accounts - Generate / Forward / Enable 2FA / Recovery Email Manager / (Verify / Unlock)


Using Profile Builder, you can generate Outlook accounts, add verification, enable forwarding with or without rules, and unlock your accounts.

Setup & Recommendations

Generating Microsoft (Outlook) Accounts

1. Navigate to the Account Builder section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a cog titled Account Builder when you hover over it. 

2. Click the Create button in the top left of the program.

3. Select which Microsoft (Outlook) you want to use to generate your account(s), then click the Next button.
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4. In the following dialog, you can select any of the following options: Verify account, Enable forwarding, Enable rules. In order to create a generic Outlook account, do not select any of the options and click Save.
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5. Once you have clicked Save, you will advance to the following dialog. 

6. In the General section, enter the Category name the accounts will be saved under and select the browser type.
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7. You can generate accounts with Profiles, a Catchall, or a list of Emails. If you select Profiles or Emails, it will use the information before the @ sign for the username and, if applicable, use the provided emails for the recovery email. If you select Catchall, it will create a random username for the account and, if applicable, catchall email.
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Specify which Proxy Categories you want to use during generation. When generating more than one account, proxies are essential.

- You can use the Retry failed tasks with a random proxy checkbox to try a new proxy automatically.

- You can use the Hide already assigned proxy configurations checkbox to prevent a new account from being created using a proxy already attached to that store's account.

8. You can set a custom Password for your accounts or use the refresh icon to the right to have one created for you. This password will be used on all the accounts you are generating. If you use Enforce Strong Password Requirements, it will check your provided password against strong password requirements. We recommend using the Use Random Password per Task option to create a unique password for each account.
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9. The following information is only relevant if you selected Verify account, Enable forwarding, or Enable rules. Please skip to .13 if you did not select any options referenced in .4.

10. If you selected Verify account or Enable forwarding, you can select the inboxes that should be monitored for OTP codes under the Mail Credentials.
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If Catchalls/Forwarded Mail Credentials are not being used, it should be left unchecked

11. In the SMS Credential section, select the SMS provider, credentials, and countries priority order, check whether it should use Multi-Use Numbers, and check whether it should retry tasks when out of numbers.
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12. If you selected Enable forwarding or Enable rules, you can input the emails that will be used for the forwarding addresses in the Microsoft section. Profiles and Emails will use the email addresses provided, whereas if you select Catchall, it will use the username of the Outlook account @ your catchall domain.
You can also select whether you want to keep a copy of the forwarded messages.  
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13. Once you have selected all your options, click Start to start creating accounts. 

Outlook Forwarding (Rules/Unverified)

The Outlook Forwarding (Rules/Unverified) uses the Rules settings to forward your account. This does not require accounts accounts to be SMS Verified.

1. Navigate to the Account Builder section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a cog titled Account Builder when you hover over it. 

2. Click the Create button in the top left of the program.

3. Click the top drop-down and select Update Account, then select which Microsoft Outlook Forwarding (Rules/Unverified), then click the Next button.
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4. Once you have clicked Next. In the General section, enter the Category name the accounts will be saved under and select the browser type.
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5. In the Account Data section, you can select the Accounts you wish to forward and the proxies you'd like to use.
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6. You can select the inboxes that should be monitored for OTP codes under the Mail Credentials.
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7. You can input the emails that will be used for the forwarding addresses in the Microsoft section. Profiles and Emails will use the email addresses provided, whereas if you select Catchall, it will use the username of the Outlook account @ your catchall domain.
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8. Once you have selected all your options, click Start to start updating your accounts. 

Outlook Forwarding (SMS Verified)

The Outlook Forwarding (SMS Verified) uses the Forwarding option in Outlook Settings. This requires accounts to have both recovery emails and SMS verification. Therefore, it is recommended to have both Mail Credentials and SMS Credentials setup and enabled.

1. Navigate to the Account Builder section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a cog titled Account Builder when you hover over it. 

2. Click the Create button in the top left of the program.

3. Click the top drop-down and select Update Account, then select which Outlook Forwarding (SMS Verified), then click the Next button.
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4. Once you have clicked Next. In the General section, enter the Category name the accounts will be saved under and select the browser type.

5. In the Account Data section, you can select the Accounts you wish to forward and the proxies you'd like to use.
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6. You can select the inboxes that should be monitored for OTP codes under the Mail Credentials.
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7. In the SMS Credential section, select the SMS provider, credentials, and countries priority order, check whether it should use Multi-Use Numbers, and whether it should retry tasks when out of numbers.
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8. You can input the emails that will be used for the forwarding addresses in the Microsoft section. Profiles and Emails will use the email addresses provided, whereas if you select Catchall, it will use the username of the Outlook account @ your catchall domain.
Screenshot 2024-02-15 141617.png

Outlook Verify/Unlock

This module will log into your accounts and SMS Verify them, or if they're locked unlock your accounts. 

1. Navigate to the Account Builder section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a cog titled Account Builder when you hover over it. 

2. Click the Create button in the top left of the program.

3. Click the top drop-down and select Update Account, then select which Microsoft Outlook Verify/Unlock, then click the Next button.
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4. Once you have clicked Next. In the General section, enter the Category name the accounts will be saved under and select the browser type.

5. In the Account Data section, you can select the Accounts you wish to forward and the proxies you'd like to use.
Screenshot 2024-02-18 162322.png

6. You can select the inboxes that should be monitored for OTP codes under the Mail Credentials.
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7. In the SMS Credential section, select the SMS provider, credentials, and countries priority order, check whether it should use Multi-Use Numbers, and whether it should retry tasks when out of numbers. 

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8. Click Start, and the task will attempt to log in and verify your accounts. 

Outlook Third Party Captcha Providers Setup

1. Open the OneClick application in Toolbox. Navigate to the AutoSolve > Services section.

2. Click the Create Third Party API Key button. 

3. Input your Third Party API Key. Currently, ez-captcha is supported for solving Outlook captchas. Click the Create button.

4. Click the Checkbox for ez-captcha. Then click the Connect button. Your setup should look similar to the screenshot below, with ez-captcha as the Primary provider.

5. Click the Create Bot API Key button. Specify a Name for your API key, then click the Create button. 

6. Select your newly created API key, right-click, and Copy API Key.

7. Open Profile Builder. Navigate to Settings > General. Paste your AutoSolve API Key in the AutoSolve API Key field, then click the Save button.

8. You have now successfully configured third-party captcha solving for Outlook account generation.

Enable 2FA Microsoft (Hotmail/Outlook) Accounts

1. Navigate to the Account Builder section in Profile Builder under Accounts. When you hover over it, the icon that looks like a cog titled Account Builder appears. 

2. Click the Create button in the top left of the program.

3. Select Update Job in the dropdown menu, then select Microsoft Outlook (Enable 2FA).

4. Specify which Category you want your accounts saved.

5. Specify which Captcha Solve Type to use.

6. Specify which Browser Type to use.

7. Select the Accounts you want 2FA Enabled on.

8. Select the Proxies you want to use.

- Select the Retry failed tasks with a random proxy checkbox to reattempt the proxy with a random task if the original task has a proxy error.

- Select the Use Proxy From Account checkbox to use the proxy associated with your selected accounts.

9. Select the IMAP credentials that should be monitored for OTP codes under the Mail Credentials section.

- If you are using an IMAP catchall credential that receives most of the emails from your selected accounts, enable the Use Catchall / Forwarded Mail Credentials checkbox. 

- If your IMAP credentials are not catchalls, and match each of your selected accounts, select the All checkbox and do not select the Use Catchall / Forwarded Mail Credentials checkbox

10. Once you have selected all your options, click the Next button.

11. If your accounts don't have recovery emails assigned to them, a dialog will appear for you to select emails to be used as recovery.

12. Once you have selected your recovery emails, click the Next button. Your tasks will start enabling 2FA on your accounts.

Recovery Email Manager Microsoft (Hotmail/Outlook) Accounts

1. Navigate to the Account Builder section in Profile Builder under Accounts. When you hover over it, the icon that looks like a cog titled Account Builder appears. 

2. Click the Create button in the top left of the program.

3. Select Update Job in the dropdown menu, then select Microsoft Outlook (Enable 2FA).

4. Specify which Category you want your accounts saved.

5. Specify which Captcha Solve Type to use.

6. Specify which Browser Type to use.

7. Select the Accounts you want 2FA Enabled on.

8. Select the Proxies you want to use.

- Select the Retry failed tasks with a random proxy checkbox to reattempt the proxy with a random task if the original task has a proxy error.

- Select the Use Proxy From Account checkbox to use the proxy associated with your selected accounts.

9. Select the IMAP credentials that should be monitored for OTP codes under the Mail Credentials section.

- If you are using an IMAP catchall credential that receives most of the emails from your selected accounts, enable the Use Catchall / Forwarded Mail Credentials checkbox. 

- If your IMAP credentials are not catchalls, and match each of your selected accounts, select the All checkbox and do not select the Use Catchall / Forwarded Mail Credentials checkbox

10. Once you have selected all your options, click the Next button.

11. If your accounts don't have recovery emails assigned to them, a dialog will appear for you to select emails to be used as recovery.

12. Once you have selected your recovery emails, click the Next button. Your tasks will start updating recovery emails on your accounts.

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