Profile Builder - Accounts - Account Builder - Generate Shopify Account


Accounts are required on certain Shopify websites. You can generate accounts on any Shopify store with Profile Builder.

Setup & Recommendations

  • You must have Google Chrome or Brave installed to use Account Generation. If you do not have it installed, when you try to generate accounts, it will prompt you to install it.
  • You should use proxies if you want to generate more than one account from one website. You can learn more about adding proxies to Profile Builder here.
  • If the website you are generating from requires a captcha, you can specify whether you want to solve the challenge manually, send the captcha to OneClick through AutoSolve, or use AutoSolve AI directly in the browser. To use AutoSolve, you must have entered a Bot API Key in Settings. You can learn more about AutoSolve here.

Generate Account

1. Navigate to the Account Builder section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a cog titled Account Builder when you hover over it. 

2. Click the Create button in the top left of the program.

3. Select Shopify in the store flow section and click the Next button.

4. By default, Accounts are created in a Category with the store's name. You can override this and specify a category name to have your accounts created into a unique category.

5. Most Shopify stores require a Captcha to be solved for the account to be created successfully. Under the Captcha Solve Type dropdown, specify whether you want to solve the challenge manually, send the captcha to OneClick through AutoSolve, or use AutoSolve AI directly in the browser. To use AutoSolve, you must have entered a Bot API Key in Settings.

6. Specify the Browser Type you want to use to generate the accounts. If you have not downloaded Google Chrome or Brave, it will fail and prompt you to install the selected browser.

7. If you want your generated accounts sent to a Discord channel in a CSV format, you can use the Send to Discord checkbox. This setting requires you to have a Discord Webhook in Settings.

8. You can generate Shopify accounts with Profiles, a Catchall, or a list of Emails. Profiles allow you to create a complete account by using the email from the billing profiles. Using a Catchall will automatically generate an email using your catchall domain. Using Emails will create accounts using the list of emails you provide.


9. You can use the Save Accounts that already exist checkbox to save Accounts that Profile Builder detects already exist to a different category. After all the tasks have run, you can run a Reset Job to recover them for future use.

10. Specify which Proxy Categories you want to use during generation. When generating more than one account, proxies are essential. You can use the Retry failed tasks with a random proxy checkbox to try a new proxy automatically. You can use the Hide already assigned proxy configurations checkbox to prevent a new account from being created using a proxy already attached to that store's account.

11. You can set a custom Password for your accounts or use the refresh icon to the right to have one created for you. This password will be used on all the accounts you are generating. If you use Enforce Strong Password Requirements, it will check your provided password against strong password requirements. We recommend using the Use Random Password per Task option to create a unique password for each account.

12. Provide the link to the Shopify website on which you want to generate accounts. For this example, I want to generate accounts on Undefeated.

13. After configuring the dialog, click the Start button. Your accounts will start generating! You can find your newly created accounts in the Account Credentials section. Click here for more details on the Account Credentials section.

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