TabSentry - Features - Configs - Generate Activity


You can create Feature configurations in TabSentry to amplify your Tasks capabilities. You can automate activity generation/farming on any website with the Generate Activity Feature.

Setup & Recommendations

  • The data in all Toolbox programs is secured and encrypted automatically. Given the sensitive nature of Billing and Credit Card information, you can further secure data in TabSentry with a Password Lock.
  • Use categories to simplify organization.
  • You can select multiple Activity Generation Features on one Task. If you select multiple Activity Generation Features, each Activity Generation feature will be run on your Task(s). 

Generate Activity

1. Navigate over to the Configs section of TabSentry in Features. This section has an icon that looks like a bullseye with an arrow in it titled Configs when you hover over it.

2. Click the Create button. This will open the Choose Task Feature dialog. Select Generate Activity in the dropdown.

3. Click Next.

4. By default, Features are created to the All Category. You can override this and specify a category name to have your Features created in or use the dropdown to assign them to an existing category.

5. Specify a Name for the Feature.

6. Input the Page URLs on which the Generate Activity Feature should be run. You can provide multiple URLs by separating them with a new line.

7. If you want the Generate Activity Feature to randomly choose a URL in your list of Page URLs, click the Randomize URL Ordering checkbox.

8. Select an Activity Level for your Generate Activity Feature. The lower the level, the less Activity that will be performed. If you need help deciding which Activity Level to use, select Medium

9. Select an Activity Speed for your Generate Activity Feature. Normal speed will take its time when generating Activity. Fast speed will do the same, but spend less time reading content to browse faster.

10. After configuring the Generate Activity Feature dialog, click the Save button.

Using the Generate Activity Feature on your Tasks

1. Navigate over to the Browsers section of TabSentry in Tasks. This section has an icon that looks like a globe titled Browsers when you hover over it.

2. Select the Tasks to which you want to assign your Activity Generation Feature and right-click > Edit > Edit. This will open the Edit Task dialog.

3. Navigate to the Features section of the Edit Task dialog. 

4. Select the Activity Generation Feature(s) you want to use with your Tasks. You can select multiple Activity Generation Features on one Task. If you select multiple Activity Generation Features, each Activity Generation feature will be run on your Task(s). 

5. After configuring the Edit Task dialog, click the Save button.

6. Select the browser tasks that you want to run Generate Activity on from the table.

7. Click the Tools button, then select Generate Activity in the Tools dialog. This will start your Tasks and begin generating activity based on how you configured the Feature.

8. You can configure advanced settings for your Activity Generation Feature(s) in Settings > Activity Generator

9. Specify the amount of Tasks you want to generate activity at once in the Max Browsers Farming At Once field. 

10. Specify how long you want your tasks to rest after performing the Generate Activity feature in the Sleep Time Range in Minutes field.

11. Specify the time zone you want your browsers to stop generating activity in the Sleep at Night Time Zone dropdown. Your tasks will automatically start generating activity once it finishes sleeping.

12. After configuring your Settings, click the Save button.

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