You can manage your accounts with OneClick. You can farm activity on your accounts, utilize our many valuable Tools, and use them to solve various captcha types through AutoSolve.
Setup & Recommendations
- You should use one unique ISP/DC proxy per Account. Learn more about adding and assigning proxies to Accounts here.
- If your Account has a security answer, recovery email, and/or a 2FA secret key enabled, you should provide those details when adding your accounts. OneClick will use these details to automate the login process fully.
Browser Types
AYCD Browser
- AYCD Browser can solve most captcha challenges with AutoSolve and farming accounts/solvers.
- AYCD Browser is very lightweight compared to the other browsers. You can run, on average, 3-4 AYCD Browsers for every 1 Chrome/Camo Chrome browser.
- AYCD Browser supports all account tools, such as forwarding, enabling 2FA, changing passwords/recovery emails, and more.
- AYCD Browser supports visibly seeing what your tasks are doing by clicking the eye on the task to show the browser.
- Chrome can solve cf / reCaptcha challenges with AutoSolve and farming accounts/solvers.
- Chrome is identical to using Chrome manually on your computer. We do not alter the fingerprint for each Chrome task.
- Chrome does not support the majority of account tools in OneClick.
- Chrome supports visibly seeing what your tasks are doing by clicking the eye on the task to show the browser.
Camo Chrome
- Camo Chrome is essential for using the Traffic & SEO modules.
- Camo Chrome is our in-house anti-detect browser. It gives your tasks a unique fingerprint, even from the same device, reducing the risk of account bans and detections.
- Camo Chrome can solve cf / reCaptcha challenges with AutoSolve and farming accounts/solvers.
- Camo Chrome does not support the majority of account tools in OneClick.
- Camo Chrome supports visibly seeing what your tasks are doing by clicking the eye on the task to show the browser.
Add Account
1. Navigate to the Accounts/Solvers section in OneClick under Tasks. This section has an icon that looks like a play button titled Account/Solvers when you hover over it.
2. Click on File, then click the Add Account button. This will open the New Account dialog.
3. By default, Accounts are created in the All Category. You can override this and specify a category name to have your Accounts created into a unique category.
4. If you want to add any notes to be stored with the account, you can include them here.
5. Input your Account's Email address into the Email field.
6. Input your Account's Password into the Password field.
7. If your Account has a security answer assigned to it, input the answer to the Security Answer field.
8. If your Account has a recovery email assigned to it, input the email to the Recovery Email field.
9. If your account has a 2FA Secret Key assigned to it, input the key to the 2FA Secret field.
10. For the majority of use cases, you should leave the Login Endpoint dropdown set to Default. If your account does not have Gmail enabled, you should use the login method.
11. Specify the Browser Type to use in the Browser Type dropdown. You can choose AYCD Browser or Chrome Browser. You can see the supported captcha and modes in the Supported Features section.
12. The History section contains your Account Action History, where important events that happen during farming or when using tools are logged to your accounts.
13. Optionally, you can configure a custom farming schedule with the Custom Farming Schedule section.
14. Click the Farming Scripts Override dropdown to enable/disable specific farming scripts.
15. Click the reCaptcha AI Solve Speed Override dropdown if you want to edit the solving speed to use for the account/solver. We recommend leaving this value on Normal for Accounts. High solve speeds can cause accounts to be banned.
16. After configuring the dialog, click the Create button.
17. Your newly created Account will appear in the table view. You can farm your Accounts with OneClick. You can learn more about farming activity here. You can use your Accounts with AutoSolve. You can learn more about how to use AutoSolve here.
Import Accounts
1. Navigate to the Accounts/Solvers section in OneClick under Tasks. This section has an icon that looks like a play button titled Account/Solvers when you hover over it.
2. Click on File, then click the Import button. This will open the Import Accounts dialog.
3. When you are ready to import your Accounts, click the blue page icon to the right of the text area and select the file in windows explorer/mac finder.
4. You can click the Copy/Paste button to input your Accounts via OneClick's copy-paste format. The format is email:::password:::securityanswer:::proxy
5. When you have finished configuring the dialog, click the Import button.
6. Your newly imported Account(s) will appear in the table view. You can farm your Accounts with OneClick. You can learn more about farming activity here. You can use your Accounts with AutoSolve. You can learn more about how to use AutoSolve here.
Export Accounts
1. Navigate to the Accounts/Solvers section in OneClick under Tasks. This section has an icon that looks like a play button titled Account/Solvers when you hover over it.
2. Select the Accounts you want to export, then click the File button, then click the Export button. This will open the Export Accounts dialog.
3. The Accounts Export dialog will display which Accounts/Solvers you are exporting. Once you have confirmed the dialog looks correct, press the Export button.
4. Your accounts will be exported via CSV format. Windows Explorer/Mac Finder will automatically open the folder where your Accounts/Solver CSV is located.