Inbox - Mail - Scraper Data - Tools - Create Custom Text


You can use the Create Custom Text Tool to create text such as email drafts, URLs, messages, and more using your scraped data. You can also use this tool in the Inventory view in the same way, just using your inventory items instead of scraped data.

Setup & Recommendations

  • You must have information populated in the Scraper Data section of Inbox. You can learn more about how to add information to Scraper Data here.
  • You can select multiple scraper templates to aggregate your data. One way you can use this to your advantage is to aggregate Order and Shipping confirmations. This ensures that your order number, tracking number, product information, and other relevant information can be included.
  • This tool is helpful for utilizing your scraped data outside of Inbox. For example, if you need to create cancel request emails, you can quickly do so using this feature by plugging in your Order ID, Order Total, and Order Date. Another example is if you want to create a URL for checking the status of your order directly on the site. You can add the Order ID to the URL for each scraped data item and easily export them to a CSV.

Create Custom Text

1. Navigate over to the Scraper Data section of Inbox in Mail. This section has an icon that looks like a bulleted list titled Scraper Data when you hover over it.

2. Select the Scrapped Data items that you want to create custom text for from the table.

3. Click on the Tools button at the top right of the view or right-click on the table and click on Tools. This will bring up the Tools dialog for scraped data.

4. Click on the dropdown and choose Create Custom Text.

5. Click Start.

6. The Data Key Identifier allows you to organize the output text better by using the value associated with the scraped data key for each output text generated. For example, if you are creating order cancel request emails, you could use the To data key identifier to know which email you need to send it from.

7. The Input Text is where you want to provide the text template. You should use the Available Data Keys on the right-hand side to copy the variables you want to use in this text. The variables start with  ${ and end with }.

8. The Example Output Text shows you what your expected output would be using the first scraped data item selected.

Here is an example of a cancel email template being made.

Here is an example of an order status URL being made.

9. When you have finished configuring your Custom Text, click the Save button.

10. The Data View dialog will show all the generated text from your selected scraped data. You can click into each text area to automatically copy the text. Additionally, you can Export to CSV to export each of these output texts into a CSV file.

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