Inbox - Mail - Scraper Data - Tools - Update Inventory


You can use the Update Inventory Tool to update the Inventory section of Inbox with your Scraper Data. 

Setup & Recommendations

  • You must have information populated in the Scraper Data section of Inbox. You can learn more about how to add information to Scraper Data here.
  • You can select multiple scraper templates to aggregate your data. One way you can use this to your advantage is to aggregate Order and Shipping confirmations. This ensures that your order number, tracking number, product information, and other relevant information can be included.
  • This tool is helpful for continuously updating your Inventory as you get new scraped data from your emails. For example, you may create inventory items when you receive an order confirmation, and then you may later update your existing inventory items with the tracking number once you receive the shipping email. Eventually, if you sell the item, you may update the inventory items with the sale price, or if the order got canceled, you might update the inventory item notes that the item was canceled so you can easily search for those items inside the Inventory view.

Update Inventory

1. Navigate over to the Scraper Data section of Inbox in Mail. This section has an icon that looks like a bulleted list titled Scraper Data when you hover over it.

2. Select the Scrapped Data items that you want to Update Inventory items for from the table

3. Click on the Tools button at the top right of the view or right-click on the table and click on Tools. This will bring up the Tools dialog for scraped data.

4. Click on the dropdown and choose Update Inventory.

5. Click Start.

6. The Inventory Category decides what inventory items are supposed to be updated. Any inventory items not in the specified categories will not be updated. If you select the All category, it will apply to all inventory items you have.

7. By specifying a Unique Inventory Key and a Unique Scraped Data Key, you can configure the Update Inventory feature to find your inventory items based on specific data such as Order ID or Tracking Number. For example, you may want to find the inventory items by the Order ID field that matches your Unique Scraped Data Key called Order Number. You want to choose fields where the values match exactly to ensure it finds the correct items to update.  

8. In order to update the fields of the inventory items, you need to add Inventory Data Mappings. This will map an inventory key to a scraped data key. For example, if you want to update the Item Cost of the inventory item, you would choose Item Cost from the Inventory Key dropdown. Then, you will choose the corresponding key from the Scraped Data Key dropdown to extract from your scraped data items and update your inventory items.

9. When you have finished configuring your Inventory Mapping, click the Save button.

10. You can add multiple Inventory Data Mappings by using the Create button. You can only add each Inventory Key once. The scraped data will automatically be parsed and formatted. For example, Tracking Number will automatically parse the carrier type as well. If the carrier type is not correct, you can mass-edit the inventory items afterward in the Inventory view. Also, using the Notes key will add to the notes, not replace the existing ones. This is useful for adding additional notes as you get more scraped data.

11. When you have finished adding Inventory Data Mappings, click the Save button. This will start an update operation and show you a completion dialog once finished with how many items were updated and how many values were updated.

14. Your data will be updated in the Inventory tab based on the configuration you provided in the previous dialog.

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