Inbox - Mail - Scraper Data - Tools - Send to Inventory


You can use the Send to Inventory Tool to populate the Inventory section of Inbox with your Scraper Data. 

Setup & Recommendations

  • You must have information populated in the Scraper Data section of Inbox. You can learn more about how to add information to Scraper Data here.
  • You can select multiple scraper templates to aggregate your data. One way you can use this to your advantage is to aggregate Order and Shipping confirmations. This ensures that your order number, tracking number, product information, and other relevant information can be included.

Send to Inventory

1. Navigate over to the Scraper Data section of Inbox in Mail. This section has an icon with three lines and dots titled Scraper Data when you hover over it.

2. Select the Scraper Data items that you want to create Inventory items for from the table.

3. Click on the Tools button at the top right of the view or right-click on the table and click on Tools. This will bring up the Tools dialog for scraped data.

4. Click on the dropdown and choose Send to Inventory.

5. Click Start.

6. By specifying data keys, You can configure the Send to Inventory dialog to match your data to the various Inventory fields. 

7. By default, Inventory Items are created in the All Category. You can override this and specify a category name to have your Inventory Items created into a unique or existing category. 

8. To prevent creating duplicate Inventory items, you can select a Unique Inventory Data Key. For this example, I use my Order ID since each of my Inventory Items has a unique Order ID. If a duplicate Inventory Item is found, the Inventory item will be updated. If no duplicate items are found, a new Inventory item will be created.

9. Specify which data key to use for the Name of the Inventory Item. For example, for Nike, one of the elements I use in my Scraper Template is the Product. Therefore, I will use that as my data key for the Name field. 

10. Specify which data key to use for the Item URL of the Inventory Item. This can be a direct product link, StockX link, Event link, or any other URL you want. 

11. Specify which data key to use for the Notes of the Inventory Item. This can be any useful information you want.

12. Specify which data key to use for the Item Cost of the Inventory Item. 

13. Specify which data key to use for the Tracking Number of the Inventory Item.

14. Optionally, specify Custom Data Keys. This data will appear in the Inventory table view as a column. You can keep track of any additional data we do not support by default. For this example, I specify Size and Address for my Custom Data Keys.

15. When you have finished configuring the Send to Inventory dialog, click the Save button.

16. Your data will populate in the Inventory tab based on the configuration you provided in the previous dialog.

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