Profile Builder - Browsers - Using Autofill and the Sidebar


You can automatically fill Profile and Account information in your Browsers using Chrome Autofill or in areas where autofill is not supported by using the sidebar to quickly copy billing profile information.

Setup & Recommendations

  • You must create tasks in Browsers to use Autofill and the Sidebar.
  • You must have a billing Profile assigned to the Browser for Autofill or the Sidebar to have that information.
  • You must have an Account assigned to the Browser for Autofill or the Sidebar to have that information.

Autofill and the Sidebar

1. Navigate over to the Tasks section of Browsers in Profile Builder. This section has the browser icon titled Tasks when you hover over it.

2. Select the Browser you want to use and click the start button. This button has the play icon titled Start Browser when you hover over it. If you want to start multiple Browsers at once, select the Browsers you want to use, right-click and press the Start button in the dropdown. Alternatively, you can click the Options button and press the Start button in the dropdown.

3. Autofill is natively built into the Browsers. The information for the Assigned Billing Profile will show as a popup from the field, just as it would in your regular browsers. You can select it to autofill the field.

4. If you are on a website that does not support Autofill or where it is not working, you can access your Assigned Billing Profile and Assigned Account details from the sidebar, which is fixed to the right side of the browser.

5. The Address Book with a Person Icon at the top contains the Account information

6. The House Icon in the middle contains the Billing and Shipping information


7. The Credit Card icon at the bottom contains your Payment information. Clicking into any of the fields will automatically copy the data to your clipboard.


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