Profile Builder - Browsers - Change URL / Monitor URL Changes


The Change URL and Monitor URL Changes features help you manage your browser URLs and help quickly detect changes to them for queues or other websites that may have a different URL to indicate a change to the URL.

Setup & Recommendations

  • You need to have Browser Tasks before using Mass Link Changing or Monitoring URL Changes.
  • Your Browser Tasks must be running in order to begin Monitoring URLs for Changes.

Change URL

1. Navigate to the Tasks section in Profile Builder under Browsers. This section has the browser icon titled Tasks when you hover over it. 

2. Select the Browsers whose URLs you want to update from the table.

3. Click the options button at the top right of the view, then click Change URL or right-click on the table and click on Change URL

4. Input the URL you want to switch your selected browsers to and click Save.

This allows you to quickly update URLs without needing to recreate browsers and quickly adjust the URL during a release.

Monitor URL Changes

1. Navigate to the Tasks section in Profile Builder under Browsers. This section has the browser icon titled Tasks when you hover over it. 

2. Select the Browsers whose URLs you want to monitor for updates from the table.

3. Click the options button at the top right of the view, then click Monitor URL Changes or right-click on the table and click on Monitor URL Changes

3. After doing so, the task Status will display Waiting for URL Change.  


4. As soon as the URL Change is detected, the task Status will display URL Changed. If you have a Webhook set in Settings, then a Discord webhook will also be sent when a URL change is detected.



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