For users who do not have a subscription to AutoSolve AI, there is an alternative option available to solve captcha challenges through the use of third-party solvers.
Adding Third Party Solvers
1. Navigate to the AutoSolve tab within OneClick. This section has a cube icon titled Services when you hover over it.
2. Click on the Create Third Party API Key on the middle bottom of the screen.
3. Select the Third Party Solving Service that is being added from the drop down.
4. Enter a Nickname that will help identify the third party API key.
5. Enter an API key that the third party provides. This guide contains instructions on how to find 3rd party API keys on some providers
6. Click Create to finalize adding the new Third Party API Key.
Configuring Third Party Services
1. To connect to a Third Party Solver after it's been added, select the service from the left hand column and click Connect.
2. After the service has been enabled, it can be dragged around to re-arrange its priority.
3. To disconnect from a Third Party Solver uncheck the Enabled box that corresponds to the service in the center column.