Mail Credentials are used for generating, resetting, and updating accounts and for automatically inputting passcodes for Nike. Using Mail Credentials makes these processes as automatic as possible and would require little input from you.
Setup & Recommendations
- This system is best used with the email you receive your catchall mail on or, optionally, the account set up to be forwarded to.
- It is also important to note that this is not required to generate accounts, but it will make the process more automated.
- The setup for all the providers is different, so we have created separate sections of the guide for each provider. You can access the guide here.
Adding Mail Credentials
1. Navigate over to the Mail Credentials section of Profile Builder in Accounts. This section has the Envelope icon titled Mail Credentials when you hover over it.
2. Click on the File button at the top left of the view, then Create.
3. Within the Create Provider Credentials dialog, select the Provider from the drop-down, input the account Email, Password, and if desired, assign a Proxy as well. The Mail Credentials Guide covers where to find this information.
4. Once you have added the information, click Save.
5. Profile Builder will now verify whether it can access the account and display a Status Message.
With Mail Providers added to Profile Builder, you can begin to automate the generating and updating of accounts and a variety of Tuner Tools that require email based one time passwords.