Profile Builder - Accounts - Account Tuner - Nike SNKRS - Creating Tasks


You can automate many actions on your Nike SNKRS accounts with Tuner. Automatically generate activity and perform actions such as changing your email, reverifying SMS, and more.

Setup & Recommendations

  • You must have Google Chrome or Brave installed to use Tuner. If you do not have it installed, when you try to run a task, it will prompt you to install it.
  • Before creating tasks on Tuner, add your Nike SNKRS or Nike Desktop accounts to Profile Builder. If you did not import your accounts with proxies, ensure you add them to Profile Builder. 
  • Before creating tasks on Tuner, add your Mail Credentials to Profile Builder. Mail Credentials are necessary to automate login codes and various Tools.
  • If you have AutoSolve AI, Tuner will automatically handle any captchas that are encountered.

Creating Tasks

1. Navigate to the Account Tuner section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a play button titled Account Tuner when you hover over it. 

2. Click on File and then Create. This will open a dialog to select the SNKRS Region for the tasks you are creating.

3. By default, Accounts are created to the All Category. You can override this and specify a category name to have your Tuner Tasks created in or use the dropdown to assign them to an existing category.

4. Select the region you enter your Nike SNKRS accounts on when going for releases.

5. Specify the Browser Type you want to use for your tuner tasks. If you have not downloaded Google Chrome or Brave, it will fail and prompt you to install the selected browser.

6. Specify the Accounts Categories that contain the Nike SNKRS or Nike Desktop accounts you want to create tasks for.

7. The Sync proxies to accounts checkbox will allow for any proxy assigned to the task to be copied to the account. 

8. The Use proxies from accounts checkbox will use the proxy assigned to the account on the Tuner Task and disable the Proxy Pool option in this dialog.

9. The Use Billing profiles from accounts checkbox will use the profile assigned to the account on the Tuner task and will disable the Profile Categories option in this dialog.

10. The Match profiles to accounts by email checkbox will search your billing profiles in Profile Builder for an email that matches the account email and will assign that billing profile to the account.

11. You can select a Profile Category or Individual Profiles you'd like to use. Your tasks will be randomly assigned profiles from the selected category. If you used the Match profiles to accounts by email checkbox, your tasks would match profiles with a correlating Nike SNKRS account email.

12. Select a Proxy Pool to use with your tasks. If you use the Sync proxies to accounts checkbox, your task will set the proxy on your Accounts to the one assigned to the task. You can use the Only Unused Proxies checkbox to prevent a task from being created using a proxy that is already attached to an account for that store.

13. You need to specify Mail Credentials to use with your tasks. Your tasks will use your mail credentials whenever an email code is required to automate the OTP process. You can click the Use Catchall/Forwarded Mail Credentials checkbox if your accounts are forwarded to a primary email. 

14. If you have AutoSolve AI, you can enable the Enable AutoSolve AI checkbox to automatically solve captchas that your tasks encounter.

15. If you want to reduce the amount of data usage when using Tuner, you can click the Enable Data Saver checkbox. This is only recommended if you are using residential proxies. We do not recommend using residential proxies for activity generation.

16. During activity generation, your tasks randomly add a profile picture to your Nike SNKRS account. The image we use is randomly generated and unique. If you want to use specific images, you can provide a folder of images to use by clicking the Use Custom Avatar Images checkbox. Click the blue folder icon and specify the directory your images are saved to.

17. Once you have finished configuring your tasks, you can click the Save button, and you will see your tasks in the Tuner table.


Now you have created tasks in Tuner. You can generate activity on your accounts and use the many Tuner Tools to SMS verify, add billing details, and manage your accounts.

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