Generating activity, also known as farming, your Nike accounts can help you bypass SNKRS filtration methods in order to win more releases.
Setup & Recommendations
- Tuner only supports Nike SNKRS regions that have a language option for English.
- You must have Google Chrome or Brave installed to use Tuner. If you do not have it installed, when you try to run a task, it will prompt you to install it.
- You must have already created Tuner Tasks before you can start to generate activity.
- On drop days, stop generating activity on your accounts. Start activity generation again 24 hours after a drop.
Activity Generation (Farming)
1. Navigate to the Account Tuner section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a play button titled Account Tuner when you hover over it.
2. Select the tuner tasks you want to generate activity on in the table.
3. Click on the Options button in the top right of the view, and press Start. You can also start activity generation individually by pressing the play button icon on individual accounts in the table.
4. Your accounts will run on a preset schedule completely automated by Profile Builder. You can leave them running continuously. We recommend stopping activity generation on drop days and waiting 24 hours after a drop to begin activity generation again.
5. Activity Generation has some configurable options in Settings. Under the Account Tuner in Settings, there are options to Sleep Accounts at Night by region. This will stop generation activity on the accounts at night and automatically resume in the morning.
6. You can also specify how Cookie and Privacy Preferences dialogs are handled during generation and while using other Tuner Tools under Nike Tools in Settings.
Now you can effortlessly generate activity on your Nike SNKRS accounts.