Profile Builder - Accounts - Account Credentials - Create / Import / Export Accounts


You can manually add Accounts to Profile Builder or use the import feature to add accounts in mass. You can easily export your accounts via CSV format.

Setup & Recommendations

  • Use categories to simplify organization—group by bot, website, address, and more.
  • You can create a fake credential in Profile Builder, and then export that credential to acquire our CSV format easily. 
  • You can try to import using other JSON/CSV formats using the Import dialog.

Create Account Credentials

1. Navigate to the Accounts Credentials section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a book with a person on it titled Accounts Credentials when you hover over it.

2. Click on File and then Create. This will open the General section of the Create Account dialog. 

3. Specify which Category you want your account created in. If no Category is specified, your account will be added to the All Category.

4. Select the Store your account correlates with. 

5. Input your Username and Password.

6. You can specify a Proxt you'd like to be associated with your account.


7. You can specify the email the account Forwards to. If you forwarded with a module in Profile Builder, the forwarding email would be logged here.

8. You can specify the Recovery Email used with the account. If you setup a recovery email with a module in Profile Builder, the recovery email would be logged here.

9. You can specify a 2FA Secret Key for the account. If you setup 2FA with a module in Profile Builder, the secret key would be saved here. The 6-digit code will appear in the 2FA Code field.

10. In the Account Data section, you can view relevant Tags associated with your account.

11. You can specify a Profile you would like to be associated with your account.

12. You can save Notes that you would like to be associated with your account. 

13. You can view Account Action History. Account Action History records timestamps and information relevant to the account, such as:

  • When you generated the account
  • When you reset the account
  • When you enable 2FA
  • Which Shopify store URL you used
  • Other relevant actions

14. Press the Save button to add your account to Profile Builder.

Import Account Credentials

1. Navigate to the Accounts Credentials section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a book with a person on it titled Accounts Credentials when you hover over it.

2. Click on File, Import, and select AYCD CSV from the dropdown. If you have accounts that you want to try to import from another bot or program, choose Other JSON/CSV from the dropdown.


3. Click Next. This will open the Import Accounts dialog.

4. If you do not include a Category for each account in the CSV you are importing, then the Category specified in this dialog will be used.

5. If you do not include a Store for each account in the CSV you import, then the Store specified in this dialog will be used. 

6. If you have Profiles in Profile Builder that you want to try and match to the imported accounts, you can use the checkbox to either Match profiles by email or Match profiles by profile name and select the Profile Categories to search in. If you are importing a different JSON/CSV format, then you cannot match by Profile Name.

7. If importing a file, use the Blue Page icon to the right of the text field to find the CSV file you want to import. If you are adding them using a Copy/Paste format, click Copy/Paste at the bottom and paste them in a supported format.mceclip4.png


8. After configuring the settings in the dialog, click Import.

Export Account Credentials

1. Navigate to the Accounts Credentials section in Profile Builder under Accounts. This section has an icon that looks like a book with a person on it titled Accounts Credentials when you hover over it.

2. Select the accounts you want to export, then click the File and Export buttons.

3. Your Account Credentials will be exported. The location of the CSV file will automatically open for easy access.

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