Profile Builder - Profiles - Create / Import Profiles


You can manually add profiles to Profile Builder or use the import feature to import profiles in mass. Profiles are the starting point of numerous features throughout Profile Builder and contain tools to help you build the most complete profiles.

Setup & Recommendations

  • The data in all Toolbox programs is secured and encrypted automatically. Given the sensitive nature of Billing and Credit Card information, you can further secure data in Profile Builder with a Password Lock.
  • You can click to download the CSV/Google Sheet format to import accounts in mass.
  • Use categories to simplify organization. Group by bot, website, address, and more.

Create Profiles

1. Navigate to the Profiles section in Profile Builder under Profiles. This section has an icon that looks like a book with a person on it titled Profiles when you hover over it.

2. Click on File and then Create. This will open the New Profile dialog. 



3. By default, profiles are created in the All Category. You can override this and specify a category name to have your Profile created into a unique category.

4. Specify a unique Profile Name for this profile. Size and Profile Group are optional fields that will only export with a format if the exported format supports it. You can use the checkbox for Same Billing and Shipping Address to avoid having to type the same details in both sections. 


5. Fill out the remaining Profile details like Name, Email, Address, and Payment Card details.

6. After adding your profile details, you can randomize or jig certain information with the Jig button toward the bottom of the Billing and Shipping Columns. You can expand the Advanced Jig view to have more control over the quick jigging options, and If you want to revert to the original information, press the Reset button.


7. After you have finished configuring the profile, you can use the Save button in the bottom right of the dialog to save the profile. If you are editing a profile or want to create multiple copies of it, you can use the Save As button to create a copy of the current profile you are creating.


Import Profiles

1. Navigate to the Profiles section in Profile Builder under Profiles. This section has an icon that looks like a book with a person on it titled Profiles when you hover over it.

2. Click on File and then Import. This will open the Import Profiles dialog. 


2. Select the format you want to import with. If you wish to use our CSV format, you can download a copy here. Add your information to the CSV. When you are ready to import the profiles, click the blue page icon to the right of the text area and select the file. If you are importing the AYCD CSV, Select the CSV/Google Sheet/Form format.

3. Click the Import button to add your profiles to Profile Builder

4. If there is an asterisk next to the format you want to use, you will use our AutoImport feature. This should be compatible with the majority of formats; however, it is possible that some values may not transfer over correctly. Ensure you inspect your profiles after importing to verify that all fields are filled and correct.

5. Your profiles will be imported to a category corresponding to your selected format. 

Now you have added profiles in Profile Builder. You can now completely customize your profile setup.

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